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26.12.2014, 15:21

Forenbeitrag von: »Pascal Luban«

A new tutorial is available in the GAME DESIGN TOOLBOX app: HOW TO PLAN YOUR LEVEL DESIGN

Hi folks, [b] I just released a new tutorial: HOW TO PLAN YOUR LEVEL DESIGN[/b] When designing a game, the level design is often an afterthought. This is a common mistake, especially when you realize that this is where you'll be spending most of your team's time and resources. Planning the level design is the best way to make sure that your game will meet the six golden rules of level design and that your game system will include the features you need. That's exactly the purpose of the level des...

15.12.2014, 10:56

Forenbeitrag von: »Pascal Luban«

Looking for game design tutorials ? Find them in a new app, GAME DESIGN TOOLBOX

My name is Pascal Luban. I am a game designer with 19+ yrs of experience. I have worked on both triple-A console titles like Battlefield - Bad Company or Splinter Cell (I was their lead level designer on the multiplayer version) and mobile games. I have compiled all my experience in an iOS/Android app called GAME DESIGN TOOLBOX Check it out. The app is free and includes one tutorial. The other tutorials are for sale but at very, very low prices: most of them are priced between 1 and 3 Euros. for...