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06.08.2013, 09:24

Browser MMORPG editor

Hey everyone,
I hope you’re having an awesome day. I’m excited to tell you about a really cool game making platform we’ve been pouring the last year into. It’s called Gameleon! It’s a cloud based game editor and publishing platform that we’d really like to get some feedback on.
Why is it so exciting? Well, let’s put it like this. Have you ever wanted to create your own game, and publish it online for thousands of people to play? Well, you can’t really do that without some programming experience, technical know how, dedicated hardware and much more.

You’ll probably want to know straight away what kind of games you can make with Gameleon, and to keep the answer short, you can make 2D and isometric MMORPG’s and similar games ( single player RPG’s, hack and slash games, point and click adventures and so on). In fact, to showcase this exact point we’ve taken an iconic RPG - Diablo 2 - and re-created its first few levels.


It tooks us two days to extract models and textures from the original Diablo and import them into our editor. Check out the result for yourselves: and remember this is in a browser!

We designed it with user-friendliness in mind, and specifically tailored it to people who are non-technical in such a way that it doesn’t require any knowledge of programming languages, animation, etc. It’s very intuitive and 100% visual: everything is done with a drag and drop interface, and the scripting and AI behaviors and such are all pretty easy.

The finished editor will also have an Asset Market, where you can upload assets made for your games and auction them to others (or give them away for free). This means that not only game creators will want to use Gameleon, but also artists and programmers, sound designers and recorders, who will be able to get a buck out of helping people with bits and pieces to make their own games.
We’ve entered open beta recently and have opened up the beta version editor to the world. We’d really like to get your feedback on this.
We’ve made a quick tutorial video to showcase the creation process using a quick, basic 2D map. Check it out!

You can access the live editor at http://editor.gameleon.co/

In the left hand side of the interface there are resources and links to get you started: you’ll find maps and skins to start making maps for the beta, as well as links to the community and to the contact form, videos and more. We’ve tried to make it so that you have an easy time getting started.

Do not mistake this as a tool made to REPLACE your hard work. It can be used by people who don't have programming skills, but it can also help the programmers, because they can alter our Open Source code to program everything even further.

If you like what you’ve read so far, please, gives us a hand and test out the editor! We’re excited to get your feedback and suggestions.
Contacts us: contact@gameleon.co
Website: www.gameleon.co
Facebook: http://goo.gl/Ey2bTO
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GameleonMain
Beta Editor Link: http://editor.gameleon.co

Have fun ! :D