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11.05.2011, 21:41

in dem verzeichnis in dem du das kommando ausgeführt hast. also wahrscheinlich C:\Windows\system32



Beiträge: 10 738

Beruf: Teamleiter Mobile Applikationen & Senior Software Engineer

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11.05.2011, 21:49

Nur so am Rande: Der Server heißt Apache, nicht Appache.
Teamleiter von Rickety Racquet (ehemals das "Foren-Projekt") und von Marble Theory

Willkommen auf SPPRO, auch dir wird man zu Unity oder zur Unreal-Engine raten, ganz bestimmt.[/Sarkasmus]


11.05.2011, 21:58

Also die potentiellen Programme, die deine Ports belegen:
Skype-> Kannst du bei Skype über Optionen -> Erweitert -> Verbindung -> "Ports 80 und 443 als Alternative für eingehende Verbindungen verwenden" ausschalten. Belegt momentan 80.
MailEnable-> Dein Mailserver (brauchst du das wirklich?) Der belegt momentan 443 und ein Teil davon mehttps.exe auch 8081 bzw. wenn er kann bestimmt auch 8080 oder 80
3D Studio Max Backburner und so -> Müsstest du über msconfig weghaken oder über Verwaltung->Dienste "automatisch starten" auf "manuell" umschalten können

An deiner Stelle würde ich den automatischen Start deines mailservers verhindern dann solltest du genug Portalternativen haben. Müsstest du über msconfig->Systemstart weghaken oder über Verwaltung->Dienste "automatisch starten" auf "manuell" umschalten können.


Treue Seele

  • »moritz31« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 259

Wohnort: Hessen

Beruf: Student

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11.05.2011, 22:15

also MailEnable hab ich eigentlich ausgeschaltet.
Werde ich aber nochma nachher ausprobieren.
Schonmal danke


12.05.2011, 12:55

hab mir nicht alles genau durchgelesen, aber läuft der server vllt schon als dienst ? (hatte auch mal des prob..)


Treue Seele

  • »moritz31« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 259

Wohnort: Hessen

Beruf: Student

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12.05.2011, 16:21

jetzt ist es so das nicht mehr angezeigt wird kannt bind port sondern einfach nur noch Apache 2 starting und es sich nicht fortsetzt


12.05.2011, 16:32

poste mal oder schau dir folgende datei an: xampp\apache\logs\error.log


Treue Seele

  • »moritz31« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 259

Wohnort: Hessen

Beruf: Student

  • Private Nachricht senden


12.05.2011, 16:44

[Wed May 11 22:38:08 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 22:38:08 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 22:38:10 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed May 11 22:38:10 2011] [notice] Server built: Oct 18 2010 01:58:12
[Wed May 11 22:38:10 2011] [notice] Parent: Created child process 3784
Apache server shutdown initiated...
Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 22:38:11 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 22:38:12 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Child process is running
[Wed May 11 22:38:12 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed May 11 22:38:12 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Wed May 11 22:38:12 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed May 11 22:38:12 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed May 11 22:38:18 2011] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Wed May 11 22:38:18 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Wed May 11 22:38:19 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Released the start mutex
[Wed May 11 22:38:20 2011] [notice] Child 3784: All worker threads have exited.
[Wed May 11 22:38:20 2011] [notice] Child 3784: Child process is exiting
[Wed May 11 22:38:20 2011] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Wed May 11 22:38:48 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 22:38:48 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 22:38:48 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed May 11 22:38:48 2011] [notice] Server built: Oct 18 2010 01:58:12
[Wed May 11 22:38:48 2011] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5412
Apache server shutdown initiated...
[Wed May 11 22:38:49 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 22:38:49 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Child process is running
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Wed May 11 22:38:50 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed May 11 22:38:51 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Released the start mutex
[Wed May 11 22:38:52 2011] [notice] Child 5412: All worker threads have exited.
[Wed May 11 22:38:52 2011] [notice] Child 5412: Child process is exiting
[Wed May 11 22:38:52 2011] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Wed May 11 23:00:42 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 23:00:42 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 23:00:43 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed May 11 23:00:43 2011] [notice] Server built: Oct 18 2010 01:58:12
[Wed May 11 23:00:43 2011] [notice] Parent: Created child process 5784
Apache server interrupted...
otice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Child process is running
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed May 11 23:00:44 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Wed May 11 23:00:53 2011] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Wed May 11 23:00:53 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Wed May 11 23:00:54 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Released the start mutex
[Wed May 11 23:00:55 2011] [notice] Child 5784: All worker threads have exited.
[Wed May 11 23:00:55 2011] [notice] Child 5784: Child process is exiting
[Wed May 11 23:00:55 2011] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.
[Wed May 11 23:02:02 2011] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 23:02:02 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 23:02:03 2011] [notice] Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed May 11 23:02:03 2011] [notice] Server built: Oct 18 2010 01:58:12
[Wed May 11 23:02:03 2011] [notice] Parent: Created child process 1080
Apache server shutdown initiated...
Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Wed May 11 23:02:03 2011] [notice] Digest: done
[Wed May 11 23:02:04 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Child process is running
[Wed May 11 23:02:04 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed May 11 23:02:04 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Starting 150 worker threads.
[Wed May 11 23:02:04 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Starting thread to listen on port 443.
[Wed May 11 23:02:04 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Starting thread to listen on port 80.
[Thu May 12 16:20:38 2011] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Thu May 12 16:20:38 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Thu May 12 16:20:39 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Released the start mutex
[Thu May 12 16:20:40 2011] [notice] Child 1080: All worker threads have exited.
[Thu May 12 16:20:40 2011] [notice] Child 1080: Child process is exiting
[Thu May 12 16:20:40 2011] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.


12.05.2011, 16:59

Sieht für mich ziemlich normal aus. Sicher dass du das Ding nicht schon benutzen kannst? Wie startest du das ganze - über das XAMPP Control Panel? Hast du die XAMPP Dienste als Windows Services installiert?


Treue Seele

  • »moritz31« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 259

Wohnort: Hessen

Beruf: Student

  • Private Nachricht senden


12.05.2011, 19:49

also hab des halt mit installer installiert, und dann mit controllpanel und batch datei versucht, ging beides net
