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13.02.2007, 11:27

[FAQ] MinGW unter Vista einrichten.

Ungetestet da kein Vista.
Gefunden in der Blitzmax-Community.


Shaun Sullivan wrote:

Hi guys after poking around I found the fix. Vista does some more strict parameter checking and needs some help with finding stuff.

Here is what I did to fix:

1. Install MinGW to c:\MinGW
2. Set Mingw env variable=c:\MinGw
3. Add c:\MinGW\Bin to path

(from here on is the Vista-specific fixes)

4. Add C:\MinGW\lib\gcc-lib\mingw32\3.2.3 to your path
5. Create an environment variable named GCC_EXEC_PREFIX and set it to c:\MinGW

That should do it. Note, I suggest you install MinGW to c:\MinGW since from what I have seen the GCC_EXEC_PREFIX fix may not work unless it refers to a directory off the root.

Hope this helps!


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