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19.08.2013, 17:07

Gameleon - Now Import Models from World of Warcraft, Make Your Own Games!

Hey guys,

Don’t know if you know about Gameleon already or not, but it’s a cloud
game creating platform for making HMTL5 MMO’s. More recently, and more
interestingly for you guys, we’ve developed a feature that allows you to
import World of Warcraft 3d models and use them in your own games!


It’s powerful enough to recreate stuff like Diablo 2 in a browser, with
an entirely visual interface. If you want to know more about recreating
Diablo 2, read more here:

But this is not the cool bit I’m trying to get at: we’ve just recently
developed GIF support: just drag and drop GIFs into the Skin Editor tool
to instantly create isometric animated models and skins to use
immediately in your game.

To showcase this feature, we’ve used World of Warcraft as a source of
models – and this is where a WoW modding community would probably get
excited. You can export, using WoW Model Viewer, animated GIFs of any
model in the game and use them directly to make your own games, mockups,
mini-games etc. Read more about it here:


We’d love to hear what you think about this, and Gameleon in general.

Also, we’ve been thinking of implementing a method that directly imports
your character from the WoW Armory, for either playing as that character
or as a model to use in your own games made with Gameleon. What do you
guys think about that?

Check out the video too: www.youtube.com/embed/zZVJi-dN-kQ



Beiträge: 10 738

Beruf: Teamleiter Mobile Applikationen & Senior Software Engineer

  • Private Nachricht senden


19.08.2013, 18:14

There is already a topic about your editor. No need to create multiple ones.

Using models from D2 or World of Warcraft is a copyright breach.
Teamleiter von Rickety Racquet (ehemals das "Foren-Projekt") und von Marble Theory

Willkommen auf SPPRO, auch dir wird man zu Unity oder zur Unreal-Engine raten, ganz bestimmt.[/Sarkasmus]