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David Scherfgen


Beiträge: 10 382

Wohnort: Hildesheim

Beruf: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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01.05.2015, 20:02

155 FPS has been recorder with huge amount of models in the scene with a mid end PC

That still doesn't mean anything. What is "huge"? What kind of shaders? How many light sources? Shadows? Post processing? Occlusion? Resolution? Anti aliasing? What is "mid end"? You provide no details at all.


03.05.2015, 23:34

HLSL shaders in the future Stable updates GLSL. There are no limit to lights depends on your pc configuration. Yes post processing like BLOOM light scattering, DEPTH OF FIELD, GAMMA, SATURATION. 8X Anti alising. Mid End PC means: DUAL CORE 3+, 4GB RAM, 1GB VRAM.

For more informations i am at your disposal.

Alex Matei
MadSkin Studios



Beiträge: 10 738

Beruf: Teamleiter Mobile Applikationen & Senior Software Engineer

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04.05.2015, 06:33

Every engine developer should know that those specifications you gave are meaningless. You didn't even mention what kind of GPU had been used.
I feel a little bit trolled.
Teamleiter von Rickety Racquet (ehemals das "Foren-Projekt") und von Marble Theory

Willkommen auf SPPRO, auch dir wird man zu Unity oder zur Unreal-Engine raten, ganz bestimmt.[/Sarkasmus]


04.05.2015, 17:18

It doesn't really matter what type of Video Card do you have, the engine works on both ATI and nVidia :)


Alter Hase

Beiträge: 756

Wohnort: Schorndorf

Beruf: Junior Software Engineer

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04.05.2015, 17:21

Yeah, but I think he asked, which video card you used. There is a difference between
GeForce GTX 460 and GeForce GTX 770



Beiträge: 10 738

Beruf: Teamleiter Mobile Applikationen & Senior Software Engineer

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04.05.2015, 17:21

Right... and they probably all have the same performance. :huh:
Teamleiter von Rickety Racquet (ehemals das "Foren-Projekt") und von Marble Theory

Willkommen auf SPPRO, auch dir wird man zu Unity oder zur Unreal-Engine raten, ganz bestimmt.[/Sarkasmus]


04.05.2015, 18:32

nVidia GTX 760


17.05.2015, 19:13

Glue Engine - Beta 1.6 has been Released!

Today Glue Engine suffered a major new update that had a big impact on performances and visual elements.

Model navigator now has the camera range bug fixed
Retexture ground button has been renamed to Change Texture
Re - Texture Object button has been renamed to Change Texture
Changed the resolution button to additional and implemented resolution there
Added virtual exit button to easily exit the functions before entering another one
Model Navigator finish button now detects if the model exists
Character Importer has a new and easy design
Character Importer has new mechanics and bug fixes
Editor now has tooltips
If first run of the engine, resolution will automatically appear to prevent engine startup error
Texture Navigator now supports importing textures straight into the engine
Added normal generator
Splash screen has been modified
Fortified the texturing system
Model Navigator now has images of the models before representing them in 3D
New Models added
Texture Navigator has a new design
Model Navigator now has the ability to import models directly into the navigator
Model Navigator has a new design
Visual Glue Graph has been added also on the Tools Section
Added 3DSound support
Engine full re optimization process
Object Alpha Channel has been removed
Axis has been removed and replaced with drag and drop movement of the objects for easier object manipulation
Manual Scale now reads the current scale of the object for better understanding and accuracy on how to re scale the object
Movement sound from running mode has been fixed - the sound pitch has been fixed
Textures now applies automatically on the imported object after importing
Optimized load map export on the scene quality
Added a number of new hotkeys to KEYS section in the editor also they have been numbered for better reading
Scaling now is handled by X, Y, Z, left mouse click and drag
Uniform scaling added by pressing U key and left mouse click
Weapon Controls section has been modified

Download it from here: http://www.gluengine.com/download/beta

New Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOiPP50O3y8

Give us a feedback guys!

Thank you very much,
