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01.10.2013, 13:52

Forenbeitrag von: »mojtaba«

Need help for translating Ava's Quest to German

I love all German people! Thank very much Sacaldur, But we did a good job with Suskritor and David. If you have an iOS device, it would still be a good help to check the strings in the game.

01.10.2013, 12:11

Forenbeitrag von: »mojtaba«

Need help for translating Ava's Quest to German

Great Please, register your iOS device through TestFlight: http://tflig.ht/18Bdiqp Suskritor did the translation very fast, and I implemented it. Do you anyone who could help me for other languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Dutch) ? Zitat von »R41Nb0ww4RR10R« Looks very nice, bud! I am looking forward to test it Peace

30.09.2013, 18:25

Forenbeitrag von: »mojtaba«

Need help for translating Ava's Quest to German

OK! Suskritor will help me on this project. Thank you Suskritor. The translation of the game is a little different from usual translation. I tried to explain each string and even send pictures of the strings in the game. But... It is best if someone that have an iOS device do the final check. I will get the translated file from Suskritor and implement it in the game, then I could send it for a final check.

30.09.2013, 17:38

Forenbeitrag von: »mojtaba«

Need help for translating Ava's Quest to German

Hi, I’m Mojtaba from Nemo Games. We are an indie group with low budget. We are working on our recent game called “Ava’s Quest”. It almost finished. It’s a 2D side scrolling platformer game. It has 3 chapters and 30 levels. We need help to translate our game to another language. One of the important languages that we have selected is German. This is the text file: http://www.freeuploadsite.com/do.php?id=22193 Each translation section has 3 lines, first line that starts with # is the explanation, ...