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19.08.2013, 17:07

Forenbeitrag von: »Gameleon«

Gameleon - Now Import Models from World of Warcraft, Make Your Own Games!

Hey guys, Don’t know if you know about Gameleon already or not, but it’s a cloud game creating platform for making HMTL5 MMO’s. More recently, and more interestingly for you guys, we’ve developed a feature that allows you to import World of Warcraft 3d models and use them in your own games! <!--splitLinkBegin--><!--splitLinkEnd--><!--noLinkBegin-->ExternesOriginalbildanzeigen(Link)<!--noLinkEnd--> It’s powerful enough to recreate stuff like Diablo 2 in a browser, with an entirely visual interfac...

06.08.2013, 09:24

Forenbeitrag von: »Gameleon«

Browser MMORPG editor

Hey everyone, I hope you’re having an awesome day. I’m excited to tell you about a really cool game making platform we’ve been pouring the last year into. It’s called Gameleon! It’s a cloud based game editor and publishing platform that we’d really like to get some feedback on. Why is it so exciting? Well, let’s put it like this. Have you ever wanted to create your own game, and publish it online for thousands of people to play? Well, you can’t really do that without some programming experience,...