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Registrierungen, Anmeldungen und Postings sind nicht mehr möglich. Öffentliche Inhalte sind weiterhin zugänglich.
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26.06.2018, 09:24

Forenbeitrag von: »CGTrader«

CGTrader FIFA World Cup fest sale!

CGTrader’s team is ready to go watch some great footy this coming week! We know how frustrating it is to have a deadline looming right as the World Cup is ramping up, so we’re inviting every developer, design studio and maker to watch every game and grab over 250,000 3D models with up to 50% discounts in the week between June 21 and June 30. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?sale_off=1

23.05.2018, 14:25

Forenbeitrag von: »CGTrader«

Up to 50% off 3D models at CGTrader

Hi guys, CGTrader’s birthday sale is on May 22-29 with over 250,000 3D models (for games, VR, architecture and 3D printing) going on sale for up to 50% off. 3D artists are giving discounts to celebrate the 7th birthday of the marketplace that has the fairest conditions for designers worldwide. Here’s a link to the sale page - https://www.cgtrader.com/sale <!--splitLinkBegin--><!--splitLinkEnd--><!--noLinkBegin-->ExternesOriginalbildanzeigen(Link)<!--noLinkEnd-->