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Beiträge: 3 886

Beruf: 3D Graphics Programmer

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09.02.2010, 13:28

Zitat von »"Alexander Stepanov"«

I spent several months programming in Java. Contrary to its authors prediction, it did not grow on me. I did not find any new insights - for the first time in my life programming in a new language did not bring me new insights. It keeps all the stuff that I never use in C++ - inheritance, virtuals - OO gook - and removes the stuff that I find useful. It might be successful - after all, MS-DOS was - and it might be a profitable thing for all your readers to learn Java, but it has no intellectual value whatsoever. Look at their implementation of hash tables. Look at the sorting routines that come with their "cool" sorting applet. Try to use AWT. The best way to judge a language is to look at the code written by its proponents. "Radix enim omnium malorum est cupiditas" - and Java is clearly an example of MoneyOrientedProgramming. As the chief proponent of Java at SGI told me: "Alex, you have to go where the money is." But I do not particularly want to go where the money is - it usually does not smell nice there.


Alter Hase

Beiträge: 1 087

Wohnort: am PC

Beruf: Student

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09.02.2010, 17:32

Zitat von »"dot"«

C# ist das was Java hätte sein sollen ;)

made my day xD
falls ichs i-wo vergessen hab:


Rechtschreibfehler sind mein Eigentum und gewollt!


Treue Seele

Beiträge: 102

Beruf: Freelance Software Engineer

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09.02.2010, 17:43

Was denn? Keine vernünftigen Properties in Klassen zu haben ist doch absoluter Win.
