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  • »FSA« ist der Autor dieses Themas
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17.06.2014, 21:55

VS2012 findet Header nicht mehr

Hallo! Ich habe heute VisualStudio2012 auf eine andere Partition neu installiert. Nun werden alle C++ Header nicht mehr gefunden (iostream, string, ...)
Auch mit dem einfachsten Programm geht nichts :(
Weiß jemand etwas?
»FSA« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • Fehler.PNG


Der RCCSWU (RandomCamelCaseSomtimesWithUndersquare) Stil bricht auch mal mit den veraltet strukturierten Denkmustern und erlaubt dem Entwickler seine Kreativität zu entfalten.


17.06.2014, 23:19

Geh mal in die Projekteinstellungen > C++ > VC++-Includeverzeichnisse > Includeverzeichnisse (Dialog öffnen) > "Makros >>>" > $(VC_IncludePath)
Den Wert dieses Makros hier mal bitte posten.
EnvisionGame(); EnableGame(); AchieveGame(); - Visionen kann man viele haben. Sie umzusetzen und auf das Ergebnis stolz zu sein ist die eigentliche Kunst.



  • »FSA« ist der Autor dieses Themas
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17.06.2014, 23:43

Das Makro gibt es nicht ;) Anyway Problem gelöst. Der Installer hat mir einfach keine Headerdateien mitinstalliert. Die Lösung habe ich doch noch durch Google finden können:

Zitat von »http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/a987f4fa-676f-4fda-ab69-2c6bcc2684c3/visual-studio-c-2012-standard-header-files-are-missing?forum=vssetup«

1. Install VS2012. In the program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include directory you should notice that no standard header files are present (example: no conio.h, crtdbg.h, etc.) and if there are, then your problem is with the include paths in visual studio.

2. The problem component is vc_librarycore- it won't actually copy the files because for some reason it thinks that it is trying to patch the files instead and it has no patch available (specifically "file <name> has no eligible binary patch" if you install with msiexec /i vc_librarycore /l*vx logfile.txt). We need to force it to install so first we must uninstall it.

3. Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{AD1AEE2A-D9C0-3FAC-8D6B-B5E07B47257B} and look at the "DisplayName" to ensure that this is the "Microsoft Visual C++ Core Libraries" and not something else. If you don't have this key, then the vc_librarycore component was not installed so try re-running visual studio setup with the repair option. Otherwise skip step 4

4. You need to uninstall this. Open an administrator command prompt and type the command in the "UninstallString" key under the registry key in step 3. On my box, this was MsiExec.exe /x{AD1AEE2A-D9C0-3FAC-8D6B-B5E07B47257B}

5. Now we need to manually install this. You may have (probably have) the package locally on your machine under this directory (again, my machine): "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{AD1AEE2A-D9C0-3FAC-8D6B-B5E07B47257B}v11.0.50727\packages\vc_librarycore" and if you don't, create it and copy over everything into it from the VS2012 CD in <cdromdrive>:\packages\vc_librarycore directory (a bunch of .cab files and a file called "vc_librarycore.msi"- copy them all). Do not try to run vc_librarycore.msi directly from the CD because it won't work without being run by setup.exe (go ahead and try it) but that's ok, we'll deal with this in step 6
6. The reason that vc_librarycore.msi won't run is because the msi file has a condition in it that prevents it from running outside of setup.exe. Let's just go ahead and remove that condition then! You'll need a Microsoft utility called "Orca" to do it (it's installer, Orca.msi, can be found in the Windows SDK or just search msdn for it). Launch Orca and open the file vc_librarycore.msi. Now you can see everything the MSI is doing. Look for the key "CA_LaunchCondition_4.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8" and remove it from absolutely everywhere you find it. You can use ctrl-f to simplify this task. Once this is done, save the .msi and close Orca (if you don't close Orca, then you'll get an error in step 7)

7. Now open an admin command prompt and navigate to the directory that contains vc_librarycore.msi that you created or found in step 5. Type "MsiExec.exe /a vc_librarycore.msi" and it will do an administrative install of the vc_librarycore package and it won't annoy you about not being run as part of setup.exe anymore. If it complains about being unable to open the .msi or package or whatever, it means you probably forgot to close Orca.
8. The command in step 7 ought to take a couple of minutes to run. If it completes in seconds, it didn't work for some reason (be sure you used /a and not /i or /fa or anything else in step 7). On my box, this ended up putting the necessary files in Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\ for some reason and I never got it to go to the correct directory, so just copy the VC folder into the actual directory (probably program files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC). There will be only about 4 conflicts or so and they're all .lib files and the files being copied are identical to the files in the directory, so just overwrite and select "do this for all" and you should be ok.

9. Now re-launch Visual Studio 2012 and you should be able to actually get things done with it. I haven't tested much beyond verifying that it can find header files such as <tchar.h> and <stdio> and <iostream> but so far everything seems to work.

10. Since MS "won't fix" this but they broke Pix so it's impossible to debug Directx shaders without VS2012, do the only thing that you can in this type of scenario: go on the internet and complain. Maybe someday MS will bother to test the install and uninstall scenarios on their products (they didn't for VS2010 when I was there; uninstall didn't work until like a week before the public beta) but I suspect if I held my breath that I'd pass out and bang my head on the coffee table.


Der RCCSWU (RandomCamelCaseSomtimesWithUndersquare) Stil bricht auch mal mit den veraltet strukturierten Denkmustern und erlaubt dem Entwickler seine Kreativität zu entfalten.


18.06.2014, 00:45

Dann war deine komplette Installation zerschossen.

Schade eigentlich, dass das bei VS >2010 noch immer passiert. Ich hätte gehofft, die haben das gefixt :/
EnvisionGame(); EnableGame(); AchieveGame(); - Visionen kann man viele haben. Sie umzusetzen und auf das Ergebnis stolz zu sein ist die eigentliche Kunst.
