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30.07.2007, 16:04

SOX zum download

in meiner aktuellen Blitzbasic Lib ist auch eine compilierte SOX Version drin. Diese kann so ziemlich mit allem benutzt werden.

SoX ist sozusagen das Schweizer Messer für alles was Audio ist.


Böse wie ich bin setzte ich mal voraus das man weis wie man ein consolen tool benutzt. :evil:

Eine Beschreibung und Source (laut Lizenz) liegt bei. Wenn einer SoX für Mac will (x98/ppc) dann soll er sich melden. Das ist hier nicht drin um den Download klein zu halten.


This release understands:

o Raw files in various binary formats
o Raw textual data
o Amiga 8svx files
o Apple/SGI AIFF files
o SUN .au style files
o PCM, u-law, A-law
o G7xx ADPCM files (read only)
o mutant DEC .au files
o NeXT .snd files
o AVR files
o CD-R (music CD format)
o CVS and VMS files (continuous variable slope)
o GSM files
o Macintosh HCOM files
o Amiga MAUD files
o MP3 files (with optional external library)
0 Psion Record.app files
o IRCAM SoundFile files
o Turtle beach SampleVision files.
o Soundtool (DOS) files
o Yamaha TX-16W sampler files.
o Sound Blaster .VOC files
o Ogg Vorbis files (with optional external library)
o Dialogic/OKI ADPCM files (.VOX)
o Microsoft .WAV files
o PCM, u-law, A-law
o RIFX (big endian)
o Psion (palmtop) A-law WVE files
o Pseudo-file formats that allow direct playing/recording
from some audio devices under UNIX.
o Pseudo-nul file that reads and writes from/to nowhere

The sound effects include:

o Channel averaging, duplication, and removal (general mixer)
o Band-pass filters
o Band-reject filter
o Compress and Expand (compand) the dynamic range of a sample.
o Chorus effect
o DCShift audio. Useful to get the best volume adjustments.
o Deemphases filter
o Move sound stage of CD audio to in front of you (for headphone use)
o Add an echo
o Add a sequence of echos
o Fade in and out
o Apply a flanger effect
o Apply a high-pass filter
o Apply a low-pass filter
o Add masking noise to a signal
o Multi-band compander
o Pan sound between channels
o Apply a phaser effect
o Change the pitch of a sound file without affecting its speed
o Repeat audio data
o Change sampling rates using several different algorithms. A
'resample' and 'polyphase' effect use high-grade signal rate
changes using real signal theory!
o Apply a reverb effect
o Reverse the sound samples (to search for Satanic messages ;-)
o Detect periods of silence and start and stop processing based on it
o Change the speed of samples being played (like speeding up the motor
on a tape recorder)
o Display general stats on a sound sample
o Stretch/shorten the duration of a sound file (without affecting pitch).
o Swap stereo channels
o Create sounds with a simple synthesizer.
o Trim audio data from beginning and end of file.
o Add the world-famous Fender Vibro-Champ effect
o Adjust volume of samples
o Noise elimination using frequency profiling
