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16.05.2020, 11:15

Looking for a Teammember ! Lovie & Me by Dolphin Games kickstarter, itch.io steam and switch release planned ! (Godot)

Looking for team members ! Couch-coop platformer Lovie & Me by Dolphin Games !

Hey there, we are currently a team of 4 people, and we looking for another pixel artist/coder that helps us creating our game. We are beginner game designer/coder/artist so we looking for someone who want start aswell working with a team together on a project !

What we are creating ? A Game called Lovie & Me ! It is a 2 - 4 player couch co-op platformer game about love, connection and expansion !

-Play with up to 4 people from your couch and connect with other players over the whole world where the game is built around teamwork and connection !

-Explore together a world where you always develop your connection with your loved ones and enviroment !

-Expand your base with rare materials and unique drops

-Find the origin or your existence !

-Some more key features !

What we offer ?

-Chance to be a part of us from the beginning

-Friendly Team

-Trello Pag

-GitHub Organisation

-Discord Server

What you need to bring ?

-Beginner knowlege for game designing, coding, or pixel art


-Being friendly

If you think that is something for me just contact me on the following e-mail and we can talk about further details

---> lovingsoul1337@gmail.com or add me on Discord: ⭐⭐⭐#8117

best regards
