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Alter Hase

Beiträge: 1 135

Wohnort: NRW Germany

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13.04.2016, 23:12

Hi @zimmer, hatte die Nachricht hier leider erst spät gesehen, hatte dir die letzten Tage eine direkte Nachricht geschickt

Habe keine Nachrich bekommen :(
habe aber gesehen, dass Du auf meinem Account warst


16.01.2017, 20:49


Ich habe endlich wieder Zeit gefunden an meinem Spielchen weiterzubasteln! :)
Im neuen Patch habe das Spiel ein wenig mehr gestreamlined und die Charaktere einzigartiger gemacht:

- three more playable characters with own graphic/sprite
- names for each character (may change)
- a unique personality for each character
- after clearing a room based your character has a chance to say something based on his personality

- each character has a fixed weapon, ability and stats modifier now
- abilites have no a cooldown instead of one time use per room
- removed active items from the game and made the existing ones a one time effect when picking them up

fixed bugs:
- vertical text alignment problems
- minor fixes

Das Spiel ist gerade mit einem 60% Rabatt auf Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/widget/438440/


21.01.2017, 12:14

zwei neue Patches

Patch v0.37

in diesem Patch habe ich mich zum einen auf die Verbesserung des Controllers/Gamepads konzentriert und endlich den 2 Spieler Hot-Seat Coop Mehrspieler Spielmodus fertiggestellt.
Dazu waren viele Änderungen am Code nötig, weswegen sich bestimmt noch der ein oder andere Bug eingeschlichen hat! ;)

- 2 player hot seat coop multiplayer
>> each player can choose his own unique character and collect items, money, etc. for himself
>> if one player dies, he will revive with 1 hp at the start of the next stage
>> player 2 can only play with gamepad and player 1 with keyboard (will be changed)
>> game pause stats and collected items are for player 1 only (will be changed)
>> jump through platforms are buggy (will be fixed)
- improved controller menu navigation (not finished yet)

- moved position of the HUD due to multiplayer
- increased cooldown of abilities slightly

fixed bugs:
- item description not available ingame
- controller not being able to use abilities and collect items
- controller button may throw you back to main menu
- controller down button not being able to drop through thin platforms
- minor fixes

Patch v0.38

In diesem Patch habe ich hauptsächlich Bugs behoben sowie auch die GUI und Menü Übersicht/Lesbarkeit verbessert!

- player stats and collected items for player 2 in pause menu in cooop mode
- different trousers and shoe sprites for the characters
- option to disable character ingame talking

- made blue and red color for player 1 and 2 less bright
- added colors to improve readability in the menu
- switched modifier stats of character 1 and 6

fixed bugs:
- not being able to change controls
- wrong player got orbiting projectile item when picked up in coop mode
- game crash if player 2 uses slot machine
- selecting same character with mouse in coop mode
- not showing tipps for player 2 when enabled as option
- laser lifespan showed same value as laser speed on pause screen
- one room had a box without collision
- moved option for showing items on hud to the top so they don't
overlap with the ability in the bottom left anymore


12.02.2017, 16:19

Patch v0.39 - Linux support

Endlich ist es geschafft und das Spiel ist als Linux Version verfügbar!
Man kann es wie die Windows Version schon direkt über Steam installieren.
Es gibt auch zwei kleinere Erneuerungen:

- Linux support
- neuer Gegner, welcher unverwundbar ist und explodiert, wenn alle anderen Gegner zerstört sind
- zwei Controller sollten nun im Coop-Modus unterstützt werden


24.05.2017, 09:46

Patch v0.40 - Neue Items

Habe mal wieder Zeit gefunden und am Spiel weiterprogrammiert. Hauptsächlich neue Items :)

- new item: shows healthbar of each enemy
- new item: your laser can explode on impact
- new item: teleports you to the endboss
- new item: small laser aimbot
- new item: cool laser pointer on your weapon to help aiming
- new item: spawning blue gas which hurts enemies
- new item: your laser can be a deadly laser which kills enemies it touches
- new item: on losing health laser bursts in all directions
- new item: on destroying enemy laser can burst in all directions
- new item: on losing armor laser bursts in all directions
- new item: destroyed enemies can spawn health
- new item: destroyed enemies can spawn armor
- new item: destroyed enemies can spawn money
- new collectable (like credit, heart, armor): heartshield, gives you a heart if you
are not at full health, otherwise gives you armor

- laser color now changes depending on collected items (slow, root, knockback, etc.)

behobene bugs:
- touch dmg condition not always triggering
- one room had moving spikes too close to the entrance
- buddies were not shooting in boss fights


28.05.2017, 14:52

Patch v0.41


Diese Woche war ich sehr sehr aktiv und habe viel für das Spiel gemacht! :)
In diesem Patch gibt es als Neuigkeit Lil Buddies, was kleine freundliche fliegende explosive Roboter sind, neues Wall Jump Verhalten, neue Items, Animationsverbesserungen und andere Kleinigkeiten.

- lil buddies: which are small friendly robots which are flying near the player and once
an enemy is close, they fly towards it and explode. they share other buddy item upgrades
- new sprite/graphic when player is near a wall and able to wall jump
- dust cloud animation, when player jumps or slides down next to a wall
- error sound when you use a slot machine but don't have enough money/health
- sound for the items regenerate, nanobots and credit generator when they trigger
- boss laser beam sound
- new item: shows you the shop and boss room on the minimap
- new item: your laser projectiles move in sine waves
- new item: chance your lasers create laser bursts
- new item: get temporary dmg for each dmg taken per room
- new item: your buddies are immune to enemy projectiles
- new item: spawns six lil buddies
- new item: chance to spawn a lil buddy each room
- new item: chance destroyed enemies spawn a lil buddy
- new item: player laser evading walls and changes direction in a right angle before touching it
- new item: gives you a random item
- new item: your ability cooldown time is halfed
- new item: shows you all rooms on the minimap

- player moves slower downwards when he slides down next to a wall
- reduced item spawn probability of the two hearts/shields spawning items from destroyed enemies
- more noticable and different sounds when taking damage
- updated graphic of buddy speed item and buddy laser speed item
- increased text popup display time a bit
- streamlined programming code in the background for more consistency
- grenade launcher and shooting through walls item now work together
- renamed Shield to Armor
- reduced sniper laser lifetime
- made fire, gas and saw collision a bit smaller

fixed bugs:
- rare game crash with ability active aura
- buddies were not damaged by all enemy projectile types
- the items regenerate, nanobots and credit generator were not working for player 2
- in some rooms spikes had bigger collision size than spike sprite
- shield of shield enemies could sometimes remain when the owner was destroyed

Als nächstes wollte ich noch mit Partikeleffekten rumexperimentieren, gerade für Explosionen und evtl. Blut.
Iplane ich neue Raumtypen, wo man nicht nur Gegner besiegen muss, sondern beispielsweise. bestimmte Schalter in einer gewissen Zeit betätigen oder ähnliches


24.09.2018, 22:51

Patch v0.43


endlich habe ich mal wieder weitergemacht. Habe viel Code im Hintergrund umgeschrieben und neue Items erstellt.
Hier mal der letzte Changelog:

- new item which lets you shoot very slow but long lasting lasers
- new item which lets you loose your money instead of your health
- new item which lets you choose between 3 items after each room instead of 2
- new item which lets you enter a room stealthed and enemies start attacking only after you attacked them or took dmg
- new item which stops enemies movement when you take dmg
- new slot machine which randomizes all owned items

- huge code rewrite of the items functionality, making new items possible
- made slot machines texts clearer
- beating a boss lets you chose afterwards between 3 items instead of 2

fixed bugs:
- health to dmg
- health to shield
- surprise item

Das Spiel hat gerade auch einen 60% Rabatt bei Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/438440/​
Momentan implementiere ich Steam Achievements. Die ersten Tests waren schonmal erfolgreich! :)


06.10.2018, 12:00

Patch v0.44


habe diesmal Steam Achievements zum Spiel hinzugefügt. Im Endeffekt war es leichter als ich erst angenommen hatte
In den nächsten Patches werden bestimmt noch die ein oder anderen hinzukommen.
Falls jemand eine gute Idee für eine Errungenschaft hat, immer her damit! :)

- 36 steam achievements
- achievements for beating the game with each character on normal and hard difficulty
- achievements for collecting credits
- achievements for completing challenges
- achievements for exploring rooms
- achievements for destroying enemies
- and several special achievements

- code rewrite collecting credits
- code rewrite for saving stats

fixed bugs:
- armor collecting for player 2
- lil buddy following player 2

Momentan arbeite ich dran, dass man Controller Tastenbelegung ändern kann sowie an paar mehr Animationen!


16.10.2018, 11:20

Patch v0.45


in diesem Patch habe ich es möglich gemacht, dass man die Gamepadtasten selbst belegen kann, paar mehr Animationen hinzugefügt und verschiedene Bugs gefixt!

- changeable controller bindings for both players
- changeable keyboard bindings for player 2
- number keys now also bindable
- restore default buttons for both players
- show blood option for enable/disable
- animation to blue and enemy green gas
- player die animation
- active door animation
- next stage teleporter animation
- credits, armor and health which spawns in the air now falls to the ground
- new text lines for each character

- improved laser boss movement pattern
- recoded unique items for 2 player games
- made blue gas from item more visible
- revised ingame help text

fixed bugs:
- shop items not showing what they do
- bosses attack pattern can break when resuming from pause
- laser boss getting two shotted by laser weapon
- having items not displaying properly in pause menu
- blood of previous game still displaying
- invisible fire source in one room
- reset all stats not working

Goldwing Studios

Treue Seele

Beiträge: 359

Wohnort: Heidelberg

Beruf: Softwareentwickler, Vertriebler

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16.10.2018, 16:37


das geht ja immer richtig gut ab hier bei dir!

Läuft es denn eigentlich entsprechend mit den Verkaufszahlen?

Verkauft sich dein Spiel gut?
