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18.04.2014, 19:21

My New MiniGame "Flappy Child" with a fast download link

Hi everyone, 8o
After admiring that get my first game, i am pleased to present for you my new MiniGame more funny than the first
And this time with a fast download link


Game's Full Name
Flappy Child



Content Rating

Running, Funny , Speed

Number Of Levels
5Levels + Free Play

Number Of Players

Number Of Characters

Game Idea
The main idea of the game is running quickly and avoid barriers
And the playing be with two styles
First style :
It is by finish the five stages of the game, And is more difficult when progress in stages
Second style :
is collecting score by continues to remain in play for as long as
Good Luck

Keys Freatures
Press keyboard (UP) to jump
Press keyboard (LEFT) and (RIGHT) to move
Press keyboard (DOWN) to sprawl


For More Informations about the game please visit the link :

If you like the game don't forget to rate the game and like the FB page and put your comment :golly:

Thank you :D

David Scherfgen


Beiträge: 10 382

Wohnort: Hildesheim

Beruf: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

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19.04.2014, 11:50

Just a quick remark (I haven't played the game yet): In the opening screen, the title looks like "Happy Child".


19.04.2014, 19:15

Good remark friend :P

i typed the title of the game by a font named Rage Italic 8o

a very beautifull font but it is difficult to read it :grumble:

if you play the game and love it don't forget to rate it and like my fb page please :golly:

thank you :)



Beiträge: 10 738

Beruf: Teamleiter Mobile Applikationen & Senior Software Engineer

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19.04.2014, 21:59

I was wondering the same. The picture looked like "Happy Child" and I was wondering why the title said "Flappy"... until I noticed that it indeed says "Flappy."
Based on the pictures it looks like having a gameplay similar to Ninja Chicken. Any chance to get a video of it?
Teamleiter von Rickety Racquet (ehemals das "Foren-Projekt") und von Marble Theory

Willkommen auf SPPRO, auch dir wird man zu Unity oder zur Unreal-Engine raten, ganz bestimmt.[/Sarkasmus]
