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05.01.2014, 14:15

A new idea of gaming: Beyond Infinity


The games today
There have always been games for every purpose. We have platformers, strategy and economy games, RPGs and shooters, each perfectly optimized for its purpose.
With Minecraft, however, this distinction got a bit blurry, now you’re not only trying to achieve specific goals, like slaying the enemy or leveling your character, instead you’re just put into a world, and the rules are: Do something.
This concept really lets you do whatever you like.
But after, let’s say, a year, the most possibilities are tried.
You’ve either build incredible cities, mob farms, mini games or adventure maps, but that’s it.
You could write mods and so forth, but this doesn’t satisfy either, it just doesn’t feel smooth.
Even though command block try to change this, it is a huge mess to deal with them properly. Furthermore, I know it is the taboo topic; the graphics are, yea, a bit low.

The idea
But what would be with a dynamic game, a game that consists of being just a raw framework and the rest is put together by blocks of plugins.
These are created either by the developers of the game or by members of the community – that is… you! There are endless things to imagine which can be put in a game.
Just look around you, there are few things that wouldn’t fit in a game (e.g. a mother-in-law).
There is so much potential in a good community, why waste it with simplistic redstone and messy command blocks?
And – who said awesome graphics wouldn’t be awesome?

Technical things
Beyond Infinity wants to be this framework. It is currently in very early development status, but the ideas are manifested already and work.
The whole rendering is done using ray tracing – a well-known method used in cinematography, but almost unused in 3D games.
With a modern (that is 4 years or so) graphics device technology namely OpenCL, one can directly program the GPU, which is perfectly fitted for ray tracing, and ray tracing again is perfectly fitted for voxel rendering
– that is the block-like structure Minecraft consists of, giving it optimal starting conditions and making it astonishing fast.

The game itself
Moreover, Beyond Infinity wants to have a universe, not only a single flat land, but a planet is a sphere, moves through space and one can travel to other moons, planets, solar systems,
galaxies and clusters, if they have the resources. You start with your bare hands on a beautiful and untouched planet and try not to starve, and you explore your home planet.
Whether mountains, plains, desserts, forests or whatever your plugins create, you will explore them.
You will be surrounded by animals, plants and oceans – and maybe you meet native NPC or an advanced society.
Keep this in mind when you walk around in the real world.

There is someone who wants to pirate it – to put it in a dynamic and beautiful game!

If you want to see our progresses or you have more ideas, join our facebook-community by liking our our page Beyond Infinity - Facebook page and for any other questions, write a message or an email (beyondinfinitygame@gmail.com).

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy this idea.

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